Using Twitter For Testing Your Blog Headlines

Using the titles for your posts in blogs is very important as it will help to attract more number of audience. There are ways to make your headlines easily reachable for the public before publishing them. There are ways to select the perfect blog titles using Twitter. Having a good headline can make your content successful in reaching more people on the social media platform. If you are looking for best blog titles, first try to test it using Twitter. Twitter provides an easy way to test your blog headlines that can be done by following these simple steps. Creating titles for your blogs really needs some hard work and it is not like composing title for your Twitter post. You must also know the best time to start the testing process to make it work in the right way. Try to do different test for various sources such as website, social media platform, etc.

1. Make a list of titles- First try to create a list of titles that can be used for your blogs and it can also be used for testing purpose on Twitter. The testing process works while comparing 2 options and makes your headline search narrow to last two titles.

2. Reliable testing- To do this you must know when your followers will be online and this will be easy to make the most reliable testing. During the testing, try to tweet the headlines to limit the affect of your results. When you see similar engagement in 2 different times in a day make sure to test both the headlines one at a time.

3. Assess your response- Now you must use the Twitter metrics related to engagement and select the titles that will be able to get more attention from the audience. There are tools that can help to get relevant data for your titles. Try to give more attention to clicks that are significant than the retweets.

4. Select the title after the results- After selecting the best title for your blog post, you must choose the titles and use it again for the testing process. All the above steps can be done without spending any money or time while testing the blog titles. There are also other paid versions available in Twitter that can be used effectively for testing the titles for your blog post.

5. Paid testing- The above options can be done without any money, but there is also another options that can work best where you have to pay money. Once you get active in Twitter for testing the headlines, try to post the headline with promoted tweets. The promoted tweets are one of the best methods to do the title testing for your blogs, but it comes only with paid version and it is considered to the last options by many people. The audience on your blog and social media channel are completely different, so you must use unique methods on both these sources.